Hi, I have created a program first as a console application. Then I created a windows application and copied the class data there. It is shown below. In the console application, I have used the printData() method to output the data of an instance of a Person or Athlete class. I want to do the same, but now that output should be in the label. I have created the printWindows data() function but when I call it from the main function in the for loop it doesn't work.
Any help would be appreciated.
namespace windowsPracticingWithClasses{/// /// Summary description for Form1./// public class Person : System.Windows.Forms.Form{/// /// Required designer variable./// private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
//My instance variablesprivate string firstName, lastName;private int age;private double height, weight;private string bankName;private double bankAccount;private double balance = 0;private string squareColor;
# region Properties//Propertiespublic string FirstName{get { return firstName; }set { firstName = value; }}and other properties.....
#endregion//Custom constructorpublic Person(int age, double height, double weight, string bankName, double bankAccount, double balance){InitializeComponent();this.age = age;this.height = height;this.weight = weight;this.bankName = bankName;this.bankAccount = bankAccount;this.balance = balance; } public virtual void printData() { Console.WriteLine("\nProfile: \n\nAge: " + this.age); Console.WriteLine("Height: " + this.height); Console.WriteLine("Weight: " + this.weight); Console.WriteLine("Bank Name: " + this.bankName); Console.WriteLine("Bank Account: " + this.bankAccount); Console.WriteLine("Balance: " + this.balance); } public void printWindowsData() { label1.Text += "Age: " + this.age; label1.Text += "\nHeight: " + this.height; label1.Text += "\nWeight: " + this.weight; label1.Text += "\nBank Name: " + this.bankName; label1.Text += "\nBank Account: " + this.bankAccount; label1.Text += "\nBalance: " + this.balance; }class Athlete : Person{public string sport;public Athlete(string sport) : base(23,5.6,120,"Chase",5671234,1000){this.sport = sport;}public override void printData(){base.printData();Console.WriteLine("Sport Practicing: " + this.sport);}};class TestClasses {[STAThread]static void Main() {Application.Run(new Person());Person[] person = new Person[5];
person[0] = new Person(22,5.6,120,"Chase",5671234,2000);person[0].printData();
Person[] athlete = new Athlete[3];
athlete[0] = new Athlete("Martial Arts");athlete[0].FirstName = "Kim";athlete[0].LastName = "Chung";athlete[0].Age = 21;athlete[0].Height1 = 5.7;athlete[0].Weight = 130;athlete[0].BankName = "Citi";athlete[0].BankAccount = 212312;athlete[0].Balance = 300;
for (int i = 0; i < athlete.Length; i++) { athlete[i].printWindowsData(); }