Cant load data using time

Mar 19 2010 12:00 PM
Hi there,

I going to  build a program that notify me daily according to time which i have save it in the database table. The idea is when the current time in the system is equal to the time stored in the database, the system will prompt the notification such as msgbox.

My table are
Field  Type   Example Data
ID Text 1
Name Text Zul
Time1 Text 4:00 AM
Time2 Text 12:00 PM
Time3 Text 8:00 PM

Code to run current time and to validate the current data exist in the table

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
timeToday.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString
        Dim cmd1 As New OleDbCommand("Select * from Notify where '" & timeToday.Text & "' = Time1 OR Time2 OR Time3", OleDbConnection)
            OleDbDataReader = cmd1.ExecuteReader()

        Catch ex As OleDbException
            ' Create and error column header
            Dim ErrorHeader As New ColumnHeader()
            ErrorHeader.Text = "oledb Error"
        End Try

    End Sub

No data exists for the row/column on the 

I also try to make an simple statement in the timer code by such as below but it cant work. It like that the 10:30 PM is not in time format

.text = "10:30 PM"  true then
msgbox("Hi there")
end if

Can anyone help me with this problem?

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