Can we Bind Json String data directly to the gridview
until what i've done is
string dtRecon = oReportsBLL.Initiate3WayRecon(objreports); if(dtRecon !=null && dtRecon.Length > 0) { grd3wayInitiate.DataSource = dtRecon ; grd3wayInitiate.DataBind(); }
and my response is like
i just want to bind the result as it is to my gridview
Can this be done? if ok pls help me if this can't be then give me a suggestion and i dont want to deserialize it just show as it is in the grid like json pls help me and my grid design
<asp:GridView ID="grd3wayInitiate" class="table table-bordered table-hover dataTable" HeaderStyle-BackColor="#334d88" runat="server" EmptyDataText="No Records Found" AutoGenerateColumns="false" ShowFooter="true"> <PagerStyle CssClass="paginate_btns" HorizontalAlign="left" /> <PagerSettings FirstPageText="Previous" LastPageText="Next" PageButtonCount="5" /> <FooterStyle BackColor="#334d88" ForeColor="white" CssClass="tab1" /> <HeaderStyle BackColor="#334d88" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="white" CssClass="tab1" /> </asp:GridView>