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can u sovle this? help..

Oct 25 2004 4:51 AM
wat i want is.... January Date expenses 10 Jan 5.99 12 Jan 4.56 Total Expenses : 10.55 ----------------------------------- Feburary Date expenses 10 Feb 4.67 21 Feb 7.89 Total Expenses : 12.56 ---------------------------------- March Date expenses 10 Mar 4.67 21 Mar 6.00 Total Expenses : 10.67 and so on...... all my data is under 1 table.. but how do i separate the dates into different months and calculate the total expenses? i tried using repeater but failed to make it... i used a for loop here to loop thru all 12 months... below is my sql codes.. lstrSQL = "Select * from WIPTemp2 where month(WIPdate)='" & arr(lintCountMonth) & "' order by WIPdate " the problem is it always display December and not other.. is there other way i can do this? (instead of creating 10 datalist or repeater... )

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