I'm in the process of integrating a VS2003 Windows Application into a VS2005 2005 Web Application, and am having soe problems with some of the functionality of the windows app working in a web application.
The windows app does the following for several of it's controls - it creates a dataset of any number of columns and then sets them as the datasource for ComboBox controls, i.e.
ArrayList vSchemeList =new ArrayList();using ( SQLDataReader rdr = vCmd.ExecuteReader() ) { while (rdr.Read()) { vSchemeList.Add( new SchemeInfo( rdr.GetString(0), rdr.GetInt32(1), rdr.GetDateTime(2), rdr.GetDouble(3) ) ); } this.cboScheme.DataSource = vSchemeList;}
where the SchemeInfo class has been declared as follows:
public class SchemeInfo { public string fSchemeName; public int fSchemeID; public DateTime fValnDate; public string fValnDateStr; public double fAssetVal; private const string kDateFmt = "dd MMMM yyyy"; public SchemeInfo( string aName, int aID, DateTime aDate, double aAssetVal ) { fSchemeName = aName; fSchemeID = aID; fValnDate = aDate; fValnDateStr = aDate.ToString( kDateFmt ); fAssetVal = aAssetVal; }
public override string ToString() { return string.Format( "{0} {1}", fSchemeName, fValnDateStr ); }}
Also, like this:
private GroupSector[] strSectors;
using ( IDbCommand vCmd = getCommand() ) { vCmd.CommandText = "SELECT ColumnA, ColumnB " + "FROM DatabaseTable"; using ( IDataReader rdr = vCmd.ExecuteReader() ) { while (rdr.Read()) { GroupSector GS = new GroupSector(rdr.GetString(0), rdr.GetInt32(1),
); strSectors[intIndex] = GS; intIndex++; } this.chklstSector.Items.AddRange(strSectors); }}
where the GroupSector class has been declared as follows:
public class GroupSector{ public string Name; public int Code; public int GroupCode;
public GroupSector(string strName, int intCode, int intGroupCode) { this.Name = strName; this.Code = intCode; this.GroupCode = intGroupCode; }
public override string ToString() { return this.Name; }}
Later on, this data is being read back out from the control in the following way:
SchemeInfo vInfo = (SchemeInfo) (sender as ComboBox).SelectedValue; DateTime vDate = vInfo.fValnDate;intSelID = vInfo.fSchemeID; strScheme = vInfo.fSchemeName;
and for the GroupSector, like this:
GroupSector oSector = (GroupSector) this.chklstSector.Items[i];
Trying to do this in a web app fails as for the GroupSector class it's unable to cast the GroupSector type to ListItem[] items and for SchemeInfo class, it's trying to cast a selected dropdownlist item as a SchemeInfo - in both cases it is unable to achieve this.
Can anyone recommend a way to do this (without having to re-write all the code), or, if I do have to re-write, a better way to do this?
Or am I just missing something obvious?
Thanks in advance