Can any one help me to place a dropdownlist in grid and enter values in dropdownlist and on selecting item in ddl other columns in the grid should affect

Jun 14 2007 4:05 AM
Hi Techies....

I am a biggnner in .net

Can any one help me to place a dropdownlist in grid and enter values in dropdownlist and on selecting item in ddl other columns in the grid should affect.

I wanted to have a dropdownlist to be placed in a grid and some items should be inserted in it.
When i selet an item in it according to it the data in the next cell of the grid should get affected

Suppose, i have car, bikes, planes in dropdownlist.
When i select car, i should be able to get models of different cars in the adjacent cell of the grid.

Please reply me soon in detail the procedure and necessary code either in c# or vb