Manoj Bisht

Manoj Bisht

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Calling Javascript funtion from Master Page

Mar 1 2008 4:34 AM

Hello Friends,

I'm providing the Javascript validation(s) in the Content Page of the Master Page

So my Javascript validation's code is given below :-

function validation()


if(document.getElementById("<%=ddlProgramme.ClientID %>").value=="Select")


window.alert("Please Select Your Programme");

document.getElementById("<%=ddlProgramme.ClientID %>").focus();

return false;


if(document.getElementById("<%=txtName.ClientID %>").value=="")


window.alert("Please Enter Your Name");

document.getElementById("<%=txtName.ClientID %>").focus();

return false;




and also provide the path for this js file in the Master Page as given below

<script language="javascript" src="../Script/JScript2.js"></script>

But my validation is not being fired as it must be....and also not throwing any error.............


But if i put my js code  given above in the content page directly then it works perfectly...........................

But  i want to call my validation in js file and want to call them from master page or content page........