Hesham Hassanein

Hesham Hassanein

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calling an element and multiplying from a double list

Oct 10 2014 9:26 AM
Sorry for repeating the question but I have read the references and I don't know why the output is not displayed. It should be something in the index because its giving me out of bounds.. but i don't know how to fix it.. Please have alook..

have a csv file MobileId;MenuTreeView;MenuName;MenuInfo;MenuAction
and I have the MenuInfo as a List and MenuAction as a List.
I want to get the 38 before the percentage sign in the MenuInfo List and Multiply it by the value called Length, Length is a double List that is defined in another Method..
and get the value 55 in the MenuInfo and multiply it by width (The same procedure as length)
This is what i have done but it gives me out of index....how can i multiply the right value in the L List

I uploaded the code

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