<BlobCache location="" path="\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif|bmp|di
ff|ico|png|wdp|hdp|css|js|asf|avi|flv|m4v|mov|mp3|mp4|mpeg|mpg|rm|rmvb|wma|wmv)$" maxSize="10" enabled="false" />
Modify the following attributes
location – the path to the directory where the blob files stores in the disk.
Path -- To add or remove file types from the list of file types to be cached, for the path attribute, modify the regular expression to include or remove the appropriate file extension. If you add file extensions, make sure to separate each file type with a pipe (|), as shown in this line of code.
maxSize -- To change the size of the cache, type a new number for maxSize. The size is expressed in gigabytes (GB), and 10 GB is the default.
To enable the BLOB cache, change the enabled attribute, from "false" to "true".
Now save web.config file and close it.
<BlobCache location="C:\BlobCache\14" path="\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif|bmp|dib|tif|tiff|ico|png|wdp|hdp|css|js|asf|avi|flv|m4v|mov|mp3|mp4|mpeg|mpg|rm|rmvb|wma|wmv)$" maxSize="10" enabled="true" />
now i uploaded one image file and placed it in home.aspx
Flush output cache
In some situations, you need to flush the output cache. You can do this by using the following PowerShell commands
<OutputCacheProfiles useCacheProfileOverrides="false" varyByHeader="" varyByParam="*" varyByCustom="" varyByRights="true" cacheForEditRights="false" />
To enable the cache profile at the Web application level, change the useCacheProfileOverrides attribute, from "false" to "true".