Amogh Natu

Amogh Natu

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“Cable unplugged” in MAC OS 10.9 Mavericks Virtual Machine

Aug 24 2014 8:35 AM
Hi there,
I'm using a Mac OSX Mavericks Virtual machine (VM) in VMWare work station 8.0.6. The VM is running fine but no matter what, the network configuration shows that the Ethernet cable is unplugged.
My Host PC is running Windows 8.1 and is connected to internet through LAN Cable. Still I'm getting the same message. Even if I put my host PC on WiFi, I'm getting the same message.
I have tried all possible network combinations but to no avail. Currently my VM network settings are set to "Bridged (Replicate physical network connection state)"
Can someone please help me out with this?
Thanks a lot!