Your answer is very helpful, but I still have the following additional questions:
1. Since this solutiion has alot of proejct files in it, I would thinkl there would be a deployment project setup also,would you agree?
2. What I do see in this application is the following in the default project startup file in the postbuild event is the following:
$(SolutionDir)EnrT.PostIT\$(OutDir)\EnrT.PostIT.exe $(ConfigurationName).
Note: the startup project file is called Alluse'.
The above would translate to: c:\enr\EnrT.PostIT\bin\X86\debug\EnrT.PostIT.exe Debug. Would you think this would point to the
files that are required for deployment?
3. do you think the EnrT.PostIT project file would 'bundle' all the files I need? **Note: I do see some old documentation that there is a .bat files for the network administrator to use when installing the application on various user's desktop.
4. I pulled out the statement '$(SolutionDir)EnrT.PostIT\$(OutDir)\EnrT.PostIT.exe $(ConfigurationName' from the postbuild event since I could not get this application to compile clean. Would you have any ideas what I need to do to figure out why this statement keeps the entire application from building with no errors?