chandu gummadi

chandu gummadi

  • NA
  • 67
  • 73.7k DataGridView Control

Oct 1 2012 2:57 AM
Hi Friends...

Iam using windows forms Application i was inserted a combobox column in datagridview. It works properly but it shows empty value  in combobox. and iam selecting one value from combobox it shows that value. so why it shows empty valu first?

iam using the below code

            DataGridViewComboBoxColumn clnStatus = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();
            clnStatus.DataPropertyName = "Status";
            clnStatus.Name = "Absent - Leave - Present";
            clnStatus.DataSource = new string[] { "absent", "present", "leave" };

its working but if iam selecting Absent or Leave from datagridview combobox column it should disply textbox automatically in datagridview another textboxcolumn.

please help me friend... 

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