Jonathan Crispe

Jonathan Crispe

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C# structure and listview

Dec 9 2011 8:50 PM

I supposed to create a program that will load salary data, consisting of name and salary, from a text file. The data will be stored in a List<> of structures, and displayed using a ListView. The contents of the List<> of structures will be sorted by either the name, or the salary.
My Load button is not working: Everytime i click the load button it gives me error message
"Empty path name is not legal"...

       struct SPatient
            public string sName;
            public int iSalary;

            public SPatient(string n, int a)
                sName = n;
                iSalary = a;

            public override string ToString()
                return string.Format("{0}, {1}", sName, iSalary);

        List<SPatient> m_List = new List<SPatient>();
        void SelectionSort()
            int iMinimum = 0;    //index where min value found
            SPatient iTemp;    //temporary storage for swapping
            int iCurrent = 0;    //current location for selected value
            int iScan = 0;    //index to scan the unsorted array

            for (iCurrent = 0; iCurrent < m_List.Count - 1; iCurrent++)
                iMinimum = iCurrent;

                for (iScan = iCurrent + 1; iScan < m_List.Count; iScan++)
                    if (m_List[iScan].iSalary < m_List[iMinimum].iSalary)
                        iMinimum = iScan;
                iTemp = m_List[iMinimum];
                m_List[iMinimum] = m_List[iCurrent];
                m_List[iCurrent] = iTemp;
        public Form1()

        private void btn_SORT_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (rb_NAME.Checked)
                foreach (SPatient p in m_List)
            if (rb_SALARY.Checked)
                foreach (SPatient p in m_List)

        private void btn_LOAD_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                FileStream fs = new FileStream(openFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
                m_List = (List<SPatient>)bf.Deserialize(fs);
                foreach (SPatient p in m_List)
            catch (Exception ex)

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