Carlos kambui

Carlos kambui

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c sharp stimulsoft report

Jul 18 2016 1:40 AM
 my report load with blank page kindly assist
below are my codesunder btnclick  and under class
private void btnprint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int busobjLevel = 1;
tcustomers = svcclient.Getcustomers();
StiReport report = new StiReport();
report.Load(Application.StartupPath + "\\customerlist.mrt");
report.ReportAuthor = staff.staff_other_names;
report.ReportDescription = "Customer List";
report.RegBusinessObject("Stocksales", new Report.Customerlist(tcustomers));
class report
public class Customerlist
private List<Customertype> tcustomer = new List<Customertype>();
CompanyType tCompany = new CompanyType();
public List<Customertype> custrans
get { return tcustomer; }
set { tcustomer = value; }
public CompanyType companydetails
get { return tCompany; }
set { tCompany = value; }
public Customerlist(List<Customertype> tcustrans)
custrans = tcustrans;
companydetails = tCompany;

Attachment: customerlist.rar

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