Larry Hojer

Larry Hojer

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C# - methods and return value of Boolean type

Jun 12 2007 5:59 AM
Hello !

I'am rather new to C#, but have som programing experience in VBA and VB. I'am learning Visual development in C#.


I'am trying to call a method with a string value and to have the called method to return a boolean false value indicating that a lookup in the database returned a value that allready exists. I recieve an error that says: not all code paths return a value. Thanks in advance,

Here's the code:


public Boolean chkFrm(string searchParam)


string ddlComp = "'" + searchParam + "%" + "'";

string sql = @"SELECT Name FROM Company WHERE Name LIKE " + ddlComp;

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(

"data source=.;initial catalog=survSys;" +

"user id=laho;pwd=12345");

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con);


string name = null;



name = (string)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

if (name != null)


return false;








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