Jay S

Jay S

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[C#] Listview to change tabpage

Nov 29 2013 4:42 PM
I have a main form, on that form I have a tabcontrol and a list view.

As I click my listview my tabpages do change (no problems).

On my tab pages I have some objectlistviews where on row click I open another form:

                this.currentEdit = new FrmEdit();
                this.currentEdit.TopLevel = false;
                this.currentEdit.Parent = this.tabP;

This form is borderless and has no icon, no taskbar, in effect it looks "embedded".

The listview from my main form is still visble as this is in a tabpage

In this "subform" I have another tabcontrol, as I open this form up I programatically change some of the items in the listview.

I want to be able to use the listview click event to change the tabpage of subform..

I can't seem to find a way to access the child of a child tabcontrol

I hope I have explained this well.

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