Mark Stringer

Mark Stringer

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C# Image BitDepth

Jul 1 2016 10:55 AM
For an application I've created to help me at work I am confused with a part which is set to check image Bit Depth.
When checking the properties of the image file manually for the intended image it clearly shows 24 via the widows folder properties. when the same image is checked via my code a result of 32 is shown.
My coding below has been simplified with the removal of folder loop and listbox for testing purpose and I still receive a result of 32 BitDepth.   
The coding is;
string ima = @"E:\Images\ImagesLM\44005W30.jpg";
var source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(ima));
bitsPerPixel = source.Format.BitsPerPixel;
I apologise if I'm using incorrect terminology as I'm am not a trained computer programmer and have google learnt all I have required for this project.
Thanks in advance,

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