Thulasiram pakala

Thulasiram pakala

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C# How to get Client Local System D Drive Folder path

Oct 7 2024 9:05 AM


  concepet is i want upload pdf documents from folder Thay are selecting Drop category based on category in folder that pdf file s need to store in data base,   after publish they client they login and in there System D drive or E drive they place pdf documents while selecteting category that related documents i need to update in server  i am using this code but after pulishing this D drive path it will take server path only i dont want server path pdf files located in to client system so in that folder path files i want to get                                                string directoryPath = Server.MapPath("~/GpfPDF"); // Path to your folder

                     string dDrivePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["gpfPdfPath"];

and string dDrivePath = @"D:\\GpfData\\";
                        string directoryPath= dDrivePath+ ddlcatgory.SelectedValue; i am using this code also but it woo take server D Drive path

this gpf path i ention in D Drive one folder but it will take server D Drive path how can i get Client Local System D Drive path



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