C# Generic Class - change type parameter.

Mar 28 2007 11:02 PM
Hi All,

I am on a learning curve from .net 1.1 to 2.0 and I am trying to get my head around generics.

As an excercise I am trying to create a linked list that can store data of multiple types.

As such I have created class Node<nodeDataType> and class MyLinkedList

I want to use the list class like this:

MyLinkedList ll = new MyLinkedList();

Exception>(new Exception());

My problem is this:

The MyLinkedList class needs to store a head node (private Node<???> _headNode;) which is null when created, and the type of object to be stored is not known until the first item is appended.

Is there a way of specifiying the type of a generic class at runtime or indeed changing the generic class type at runtime?



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