zafer ozer

zafer ozer

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c# eventhandler

Apr 6 2012 7:59 AM
hi, i need help on my lessons about eventhandler.

i will add imagebuttons into the cells of a table(asp:table):

ImageButton btnconfirm = new ImageButton();
btnconfirm.ImageUrl = "images/confirm.jpg";
btnconfirm.ID = bugun.AddDays(ekle).ToShortDateString();

and then i want to run the "btnconfirm_click" program, when user clicks a imagebutton.

btnconfirm.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(this.btnconfirm_click);

i add the imagebuttons into the cells:

then i add the cell to the row, and row to the table. when i run the program everything is allright, but when click the imagebuttons, they dont work.

where is the mistake, please help.

all the codes are these:

TableCell myCell= new TableCell();

ImageButton btnconfirm = new ImageButton();
btnconfirm.ImageUrl = "images/confirm.jpg";
btnconfirm.ID = bugun.AddDays(nmbr).ToShortDateString();
btnconfirm.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(this.btnconfirm_click);


myCells.CssClass = "stil1";



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