I have some questions about the C# asp.net code 2010 listed below that I want to add on to:
1. The customer table that is updated by the code listed below has an identity key field called cust_id. For the next statment that needs to be executed, I need to know what the cust_id number is. Can you tell me what I need to do next to know what the cust_id number is? 2. If I were to change the code listed below, I would need to update the customer table below. However, I would also need to add the cust_id in a second table called detail_table. The detail_table would use cust_id column as a foreign key column to the customer table. Can you tell me how to accomplish this task?
protected void Customer_Detail(object sender, EventArgs e) { CustomersDataContext attDataContext = new CustomersDataContext(); Customer att = null; att = new Customer(); InsertCustomer(att); attDataContext.Customers.InsertOnSubmit(att); attDataContext.SubmitChanges(); } protected void InsertCustomer(Customer att) { string a = txtReceiveDate.Text; att.Customer_Received_Date = Convert.ToDateTime(a); att.Discrepancy_Reports_Provided =ddlDisRpt.SelectedValue; }