Andrew Mystery

Andrew Mystery

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C# Creating Excel Sheet HSSFWorkbook data not populating cor

Nov 13 2015 3:57 PM
Hello all,
I am creating an excel sheet that will have multiple rows to display data. The header that I have created populates fine without any issues. 
Under the header I am creating a table. The table will have titles and a field that will be populated from the database to the right. 
For some reason one of the fields populates without any issues but the other fields do not although I am using the same technique of code. When I debug the program all of the fields are correct on the variables coming from the database. Just they do not get passed onto the excel sheet.
Here is the code I am using to populate one of the fields that works properly –
      ICell hCell = hrow.GetCell(colPickupTime);                   	 hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colPickupTime).CellStyle;                    	 //hCell.CellStyle = cellRowStyle; hCell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.PickupTime) ? record.PickupTime : String.Empty);                 
 Here goes the piece of code I use to check the fields –
sheet.GetRow(start_row + 1).GetCell(colPickupPerson).SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.CustomerName) ? record.CustomerName : "Customer Name");
 I use this piece of code for populating and other fields the same way 
	{	//strBuildFullToAddress                    	 
         ICell hCell = hrow.CreateCell(colPickupAddress, CellType.STRING);                    	 
         hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colPickupAddress).CellStyle; hCell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.ToAddress1) ? strBuildFul         lToAddress : String.Empty);                 
 Here is the whole file of code and everything for the class
private ActionResult LogSpreadsheet(List<usp_LogResult> list, object[] filterStrs)
            const int colPickupPerson = 1;
            const int colPickupAddress = 3;
            const int colPickupTime = 7;
            const int colMileage = 9;
            const int rowType = 0;
            const int rowTenant = 4;
            const int rowDriver = rowTenant + 3;
            const int rowVIN = rowTenant + 6;
            const int start_row = rowTenant + 10;
            const int tableRowThree = start_row + 3;//2
            int last_row = start_row + 7;
            string file_path = Server.MapPath(@"\Content\ Log-Template.xls");           
HSSFWorkbook wk;
            using (FileStream fs_in = new FileStream(file_path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
wk = new HSSFWorkbook(fs_in, true);
DocumentSummaryInformation dsi = PropertySetFactory.CreateDocumentSummaryInformation();
dsi.Company = filterStrs[0].ToString();
wk.DocumentSummaryInformation = dsi;
SummaryInformation si = PropertySetFactory.CreateSummaryInformation();
si.Subject = " Log Report";
wk.SummaryInformation = si;
ISheet sheet = wk.GetSheetAt(0);
            var patriarch = sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch();
            //Populating header works fine
sheet.GetRow(rowType).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(filterStrs[3].ToString()); // Insurance Type
sheet.GetRow(rowTenant).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(filterStrs[0].ToString()); // Provider Name
sheet.GetRow(rowDriver).GetCell(3).SetCellValue(filterStrs[2].ToString()); // Driver Name
sheet.GetRow(rowTenant).GetCell(3).SetCellValue(filterStrs[1].ToString()); // Ride Dates
IRow template_row = sheet.GetRow(start_row);
            var row_index = start_row;
            foreach(var record in list)
sheet.ShiftRows(row_index + 1, last_row, 1);
IRow hrow = sheet.GetRow(row_index);
hrow.Height = template_row.Height;
IRow thirdDataRow = sheet.GetRow(row_index + 1);
                  ////ICell hCell = hrow.CreateCell(colPickupPerson, CellType.STRING);
                  ////hCell.CellStyle = secondDataRow.GetCell(colPickupPerson).CellStyle; //template_row
                  ////hCell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.CustomerName) ? record.CustomerName : "Customer name");//(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(                     //hCell.RichStringCellValue.ToString ));//(record.CustomerName) ? record.CustomerName : "Test Name");
ICell hcell = hrow.GetCell(colPickupPerson);
hcell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colPickupPerson).CellStyle;
hcell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.CustomerName) ? record.CustomerName + "1" : "Customer test");
ICell hCell = hrow.GetCell(colPickupAddress);
hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colPickupAddress).CellStyle;
hCell.CellStyle = cellRowStyle;
hCell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.FromAddress1) ? strBuildFullFromAddress : String.Empty);
{ //This row works fine without any problems
ICell hCell = hrow.GetCell(colPickupTime);
hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colPickupTime).CellStyle;
hCell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.PickupTime) ? record.PickupTime : String.Empty);
ICell hCell = thirdDataRow.GetCell(colPickupPerson);
hCell.CellStyle = thirdDataRow.GetCell(colPickupPerson).CellStyle;
hCell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.DropOffLocation) ? record.DropOffLocation : "DropOff");
ICell hCell = hrow.CreateCell(colPickupAddress, CellType.STRING);
hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colPickupAddress).CellStyle;
hCell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.ToAddress1) ? strBuildFullToAddress : String.Empty);
   sheet.ShiftRows(tableRowThree+1, last_row, 0);
ICell hCell = hrow.CreateCell(colPickupTime, CellType.STRING);
hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colPickupTime).CellStyle;
hCell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.DropoffTime) ? record.DropoffTime : String.Empty);
ICell hCell = hrow.CreateCell(colPickupPerson, CellType.STRING);
hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colPickupPerson).CellStyle;
hCell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.InsuranceAuthNumber) ? record.InsuranceAuthNumber : String.Empty);
ICell hCell = hrow.CreateCell(colPickupPerson, CellType.STRING);
hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colPickupPerson).CellStyle;
hCell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.AWS) ? record.AWS : String.Empty);
ICell hCell = hrow.CreateCell(colPickupAddress, CellType.STRING);
hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colPickupAddress).CellStyle;
                    string birth = Convert.ToString(record.DateOfBirth);
hCell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(birth) ? birth : "");
ICell hCell = hrow.CreateCell(colMileage, CellType.STRING);
hCell.CellStyle = fourthDataRow.GetCell(colMileage).CellStyle;
hCell.CellStyle = cellRowStyle;
hCell.SetCellValue(record.TotalTripMileage != null ? record.TotalTripMileage.ToString() : String.Empty);
ICell hCell = hrow.CreateCell(colPickupPerson, CellType.STRING);
hCell.CellStyle = template_row.GetCell(colPickupPerson).CellStyle;
hCell.SetCellValue(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.Notes) ? record.Notes : "");
sheet.ForceFormulaRecalculation = true;
            var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
            return File(memoryStream.ToArray(), "application/", " Trip-Log.xls");


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