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C# Cookie

Apr 30 2005 7:16 PM
I am writing a cookie in c# to pass to a different server. I am not getting any error messages when I compile. The cookie does not work correctly. When I step through the debugger I can see the values being passed into the cookie. Do you have any suggestions? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- string returnURL = PageBase.CmsPosting.Url; HttpCookie confexCookie = new HttpCookie("LyrisForumn"); confexCookie.Value = (password); confexCookie.Value = (strListName); confexCookie.Value = (PageBase.CurrentUserEmail); confexCookie.Value = (returnURL); confexCookie.Domain = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConfexCookieDomain"]; Response.Cookies.Add(confexCookie); Response.Redirect("http://{}/read/login/auto.tml");

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