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C# class name problem

Mar 21 2007 5:24 PM

If I use Math as a class name return should be System.Math.Sqrt(num); in order to program to give output.

If I am not using Math as a class name return can be Math.Sqrt(num); in order to program to give output.

Please explain

using System;

public class Math


public static void Main()


double sqrt, number;

string sNum;

Console.Write("Number = ");

sNum = Console.ReadLine();

number = Convert.ToDouble(sNum);

sqrt = SqrtRoot(number);

Console.WriteLine("Square Root of the number = {0}", sqrt);


public static double SqrtRoot(double num)


return System.Math.Sqrt(num);




Number = 81

Square Root of the number = 9

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Answers (2)