I'd want to ask you a question concerning recursion in the C programming language. I'm reading a c book and came across some code that I didn't fully grasp.
first questions:
void singTheSong(int numberOfBottles) { if (numberOfBottles == 0) { printf("There are simply no more bottles of beer on the wall.\n"); } else { printf("%d bottles of beer on the wall. %d bottles of beer.\n", numberOfBottles, numberOfBottles); int oneFewer = numberOfBottles - 1; printf("Take one down, pass it around, %d bottles of beer on the wall.\n", oneFewer); singTheSong(oneFewer); // This function calls itself! printf("Put a bottle in the recycling, %d empty bottles in the bin.\n", numberOfBottles); } } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { singTheSong(99); return 0; }
So this is meant to be a song. I understand the if clause. I'm not sure how the number goes from 0 to 98.
second question:
printf("Put a bottle in the recycling, %d empty bottles in the bin.\n", numberOfBottles);
Why isn't it increasing to 99? It comes to an end at 98. Please explain in basic English, as I do not speak English as my first language (some difficulties)
According to one of the article I read, everything before singTheSong() is run, and then the recursive call occurs, creating a new stack frame. There will be no recycling print statements until numberOfBottles reaches 0.