umair mohsin

umair mohsin

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Bootstrap Modal pop up issue

Jan 14 2024 8:52 PM

Modal is not displaying using a partial view.but displaying properly if i am making a blank page and calling that partiall view using html.renderpartial.the only issue is background content is blank as i am calling that partial view from a blank page. it looks so wiered. i am trying to post my code but i can't post error occur when i try to post.

what i want when i click on login navbar link i want to make ajax request to the controller and invoke that partial view as in most of the website it looks so good.

by using a blank page validations are also working but backgroung content goes. i want if i am calling login page from home ,contact or any other pagethat page content displays on the background and login modal also shows and if i close the modal that page content should visible to to do this

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