Bootstrap CSS and Js with MVC

Feb 18 2014 12:18 AM

I was thinking that I should perfactly learn bootstrap because it makes easy and responsive design of your application. I don't need a designer to create template for me and consistent look. Bootstrap provide a couple of additional .less files, and @import them in bootstrap.less. I use one for variables, imported right below variables.less and one for classes, imported at the end of the boostrap.less list. This way, I ensure that I can override both variables and classes.

When I implement bootstratp2 with MVC than UI code makes more lengthy . I add lot of span and div so I download twitterbootstrapmvc and it makes easy development for me. This time all this are open source and free.

But now we have bootstrap 3 (css +js) that is free and open source so we can use it and modify it. But again it makes more lengthy UI design so we need to download twitterbootstrapmvc but this time it is paid and I think, Bootstrap price($59.99) is not a reasonable price so I am not using it further. What happen when Dmitry A. Efimenko decide it more high price. What do you think?

I should be continuing with this while I am not using it any commercial application?