Sajid Khan

Sajid Khan

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bind multidimensional array of string into dropdownlist?

Jan 10 2017 1:23 AM
I have web service contains some data in json format. I need to get the data into string and bind with the dropdownlist. I need to do it in multidimensional array of string. I tried but dropdownlist didn't populate the data.
Here is the code:
Dim service As New WebSocieties.w_society_detail
Dim wb As New web_society.w_society_detail
Dim str_society__type, str_society As String
str_society__type = wb.mp_society_type("nic", "MPCOOP")
Dim array_society_type As String() = str_society__type.Split("}"c)
Dim matrix As [String]()() = New [String](array_society_type.Length - 1)() {}
For i As Integer = 0 To array_society_type.Length - 1
matrix(i) = array_society_type(i).Split(","c)
but Dropdownlist populated system.string[]. Can anyone tell where is the mistake. 

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