Hello all,
My goal is to display my database table values ( I have two columns as Total and Used) on a pie chart. I used the WPFToolkit for the chart control and created a pie chart structure. But I am stuck with binding the chart to the datasource.
I have already visited this link, where I found a similar issue with the same concept, but it is for WCF- Silver light :
any one Kindly help me to proceed pls..
This is what I have done so far :
class ramTest
// creating a sql connection string
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=TestDB;Initial Catalog=RamDetails;Persist Security Info=True;");
SqlDataReader dr;
SqlCommand cmd;
public List<ram> getRamData()
List<ram> list = new List<ram>();
string query = "select top 1 Used,Total from TestDB.dbo.UsageRam";
cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con);
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
var reading = new ram
Used = Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]),
Total = dr[1].ToString() }; // I have a error here because I didn't convert type 'string' to 'float'
return list;
public class ram
float _total;
float _used;
public float Total
get { return _total; }
set { _total = value; }
public float Used
get { return _used; }
set { _used = value; }