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Best Way To Access Form Controls From Classes

Mar 5 2006 10:43 AM

Here is a demonstration of my problem. I am able to do this, but I am just wondering the BEST way to do this because the way I am doing it does not seem like the correct way.

How I am doing it now: I am passing the instance of Form1 through each constructor with a private variable in each class "private Form1 m_frm"

In the second section shows how I am currently doing it now.

public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
    public listBox1;
    public Form1()

public class myClass
    public myClass()

    public void myClassFunction()
        mySubClass subc = new mySubClass();

    private class mySubClass
        public mySubClass()
        public void myFunction()
            // i need to do this 


public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
    public listBox1;
    public Form1()
        myClass mc = new myClass(this);

public class myClass
    private Form1 m_frm;

    public myClass(Form1 frm)
        m_frm = frm;        

    public void myClassFunction()
        mySubClass subc = new mySubClass(m_frm);

    private class mySubClass
        private Form1 frm;

        public mySubClass(Form1 frm)
            m_frm = frm;
        public void myFunction()

Thanks for the help, there HAS to be a better way