ASP.NET 1.0 Word interop assembly

Jul 21 2007 1:45 AM
I'm developing a ASP.NET 1.0 web application which exports and imports Word
The functionality is implemented in a DLL project which is referenced by the
web application.
In the DLL I've added a reference to the COM Microsoft.Word 11 Object
library and set the property Copy Local to true which created an interop
assembly in my output directory.

When I publish the website and add the interop assembly to the bin directory
and deploy it to a win2003 server (without office 2003) the word
export/import functionality generates an error:

Retrieving the COM class factory form the component with CLSID
{000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error:

In other words: Component not registered.

I don't want to install Office 2003 to my server! But how do I implement the
Word export/import functionality using the Interop Assembly and without
installing Office 2003 on the server?

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