with using wuzard control

Jan 12 2009 7:43 AM
In my project I used Wizard control,in tht i heve 3 steps

          2) EmpEducation
          3) EmpSalary(setup type=finish)

I created 3 diff  tables for 3 diff above steps
in EmpPersonal step EmpID automatically gnerate , i set the property in sqlserver IdentityIndex=true,auto icement by 1.
Iam not given the Empid  from the design part.It is automaticlly incremented.

when i click finish button all the field  values of 3 steps stored in database table.

bt in EmpEducation and Empsalary tables contains EmpId.

wht i want to is when i fill the EmpPersonal page ,when i click next button in wizradcontrol ,how i can get the default generated empid from empPersonal page and tht Empid display in a label in the EmpEducation page ans alsoEmpSalary page before click the next page.

            plse give the solution as early as possible.

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