I have below lines of code in asp:list view control, if user input any value on 2nd text box, on client side lost focus event I need to calculate txtTokensReq * txtQty and display in lblTotalTokens.
WHen I wrote onblur function on 2nd textbox, it is firing more than once.
Thanks in advance.
<asp:ListView runat="server" ID="lstView" ClientIDMode="Static" GroupItemCount="1" OnItemDataBound="lstView_ItemDataBound"> <asp:TextBox runat="server" CssClass="inputQty" MaxLength="5" ID="txtTokensReq" ClientIDMode="Static" Text='<%# Eval("PartToken")%>' ReadOnly="true"></asp:TextBox> <asp:TextBox runat="server" cssClass="inputQty" MaxLength="5" ID="txtQty" Text='<%# Eval("Qty")%>' onKeypress ="if(!validatenumeric(this,5)){return false;}"></asp:TextBox> <asp:Label ID="lblTotalTokens" CssClass="note-maxqty col-last" Text='<%# Eval("TotalTokenReq")%>' runat="server"></asp:Label> </asp:ListView>