

  • NA
  • 189
  • 0 2010 name of file

Jun 6 2012 2:40 PM

In a web form 2010 application, I can not find some *.aspx files that the site map is looking. I want to look into other options before I tell my company I am missing some *.aspx pages.

Thus are there ways to rename an *.aspx file to something else? This way the user would not be aware of the real *.aspx page?

For example in the web.config file I know you can do something like the following:
<add url="~/Start.aspx" mappedUrl="~/Startuser.aspx" />

Are there other options like this? If so, can you tell me and/or point me to a reference that could explain the ways an *.aspx page could be renamed?

Answers (1)