Sneha K

Sneha K

  • 1.2k
  • 527
  • 198.1k MVC5 deployment assembly error in web server.

Aug 16 2016 3:13 AM
Hi i createdd one application in MVC5. I upload my application in online using Web server. So i purchased Virtual Private Server from Godaddy. I upload my application in online using Remote desktop connection by purchased web server IP address (from Godaddy) .
Now my application is working fine.But i got one issue in DailyVisitReport view. In this view contain two fields called FromDate and ToDate. If i select the FromDate and ToDate, it generate the report depend upon the dates. I am using Crystal Report.But im getting error while generating report. The Error is mention in the below image.

I checked the Solution for this error in google . Many of them ask me to enable 32-bit in both application and iis server . I enbale 32 bit in IIS Server and also change the platform target of my applictaion to 32 bit.

Enabled 32bit in IIS Server

But Still showing that error while im trying to generate the report. Any one understand my issue and help me to resolve this issue. 
Advance Thanks.. 

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