Aniket Narvankar

Aniket Narvankar

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Asp.Net MVC Gridview Query

Apr 29 2021 6:57 AM
In project to the grid data is bind using jquery
There is a gridname.json file in that code written to what data to bind to gridview as follows
"DataField": "DocumentId",
"Header": "Inventory Details",
"Hidden": false,
"ColumnType": "buttongroup",
"KeyField": "DocumentId",
"LinkText": "",
"LinkClickMethod": "AcceptDocumentQA|CallDocumentWorkOrder|ViewDocument",
"LinkImage": "/Images/accept.png|/Images/reject.png|/Images/view.png",
"LinkTitle": "Accept|Reject|View"
Here on click Reject button Link method called is CallDocumentWorkOrder,this method is on view
function CallDocumentWorkOrder(el) {
var id = $(el).attr('datakey');
url += '@Url.Action("Index","Document")';
url += "?DocumentId=" + btoa(escape(id));
window.location = url;
I want to pass parameter to this method with value reject
Kindly let me know how to pass parameter to this method