Navneet Kumar

Navneet Kumar

  • NA
  • 87
  • 17.1k gridview with checkbox

Sep 17 2014 2:59 AM
I have a grid view with checkbox in respected column for date of a month along with each row.   and two drop down list for month and year but these ddl are outside the gridview to retreive value in grid view with respective month and year.
I want to insert the value on the basis of ddlmonth ,ddlYear and selected checkbox from the date of respective employee.
I want to retrieve value from the database on the basis of ddl month and ddlyear  how much date a employee have work in that month. 
EmployeeName  10              
 ABC ch1ch2  ch3 ch4 ch5  ch6                 
 PQR ch1ch2  ch3 ch4 ch5  ch6                 

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