Bineesh  Viswanath

Bineesh Viswanath

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ASP.NET GridView Fill Error

Aug 31 2013 5:27 AM
Sir, I having a situation where values are not retrieving from database to GridView.

But database table has values saved in it.

Here my tbl_Customer:-

The error is:-

So here I posting the all codes:-

1) SQL SP:-

ALTER PROCEDURE  customerviewAll
FROM  tbl_Customer

2) Sp class :-

   public DataTable ClassViewAll ( )
            DataTable d = new DataTable ( );
            SqlDataAdapter a = new SqlDataAdapter ( "customerviewAll" , sqlCon );
            a . SelectCommand . CommandType = CommandType . StoredProcedure;
            a . Fill ( d );
            return d;

3) And the .aspx.cs:-

 public void GridFill ( )
  DataTable d = new DataTable ( );
  CSP sp = new CSP ( );
  d = sp . ClassViewAll ( );
  gvCustomers . DataSource = d;
  gvCustomers . DataBind ( );

Please help me in this topic.


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