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ASMX does not recognize System.Messaging namespace? Help.

Jan 25 2008 8:15 PM

Hi All,

I am developing web service that does not use IIS, I was successful on deploying a normal web service with System.Data and System.Web namespaces.  BUT when I added the System.Messaging and deploy my windows service - I am getting this error while accessing the ASMX test form
* I have tried the following already.

1. Remove and Add the System.Messaging from "Reference"  

2. System.Messaging does exist from the GAC.

3. Trial and Error, when I removed the System.Messaging from my ASMX file, the test form works fine.

I would appreciate your suggestion.  I really have to use the System messaging DUE to I have to communicate with MSMQ using web services.  Thanks!


This is from my ASMX file: http://localhost:9005/winapp/query.asmx

Compiler Error Message: CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Messaging' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

Source Error:

Line 6:  using System.Web;
Line 7:  using System.Web.Services;
Line 8:  using System.Messaging;
Line 9:  
Line 10: [WebService(Description = "Web Service DB Query")]