ahmad ahmad

ahmad ahmad

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android studio question use java .

Jun 1 2021 6:03 PM
android studio question use java ( API 26 :Android 8.0(Oreo) ):
imge app :
Create Android App that manipulate the use of Database . The App enables user to add and delete students to database. Students information are [stID, stFName, stLName, stMajor, stGPA,stPhone ]. Mandatory information about the user all of them except stPhone. The App allows user to do the following:
1-Add student Button: will display new fragment that includes required information about students. The fragment includes save and cancel button. once the user entered the required details and save it, then it will show a toast message that a new user has been added.Cancel, shows toast message that the operation has been canceled.
2-Delete First Button: will delete the first student in the list.Toast message should be displayed to show the status
3-Delete All: will delete all students stored in the table. Toast message should be displayed to show the status.
write code :
3)show running app
The codes must be exactly the same as the picture.