Hi Team
I need some help for those who worked on ping type program using WPF and C#. Basically i want to do this following;
// Type program using WPF and C# ### GUI - Dialog with a Grid, two buttons (Start and Stop) and a Status bar - Pressing Start should start the echo process as described further below - Pressing Stop should stop the echo process - The results of the echo test should be displayed in the Grid in the following columns (Started , Processed , Elapsed) - Status bar should be used for displaying info to the user ### Echo Process - Repeat the below exactly every 500 ms - Create object that contains an initialized GUID - Serialize the object using a Json serializer - Send the json string using a TCP socket to the echotool <br>(The echotool will echo back all received data) - Parse and assemble the echo'ed json data packet(s) and deserialize it back into an object - Add this echo result to the GUI Grid into the relevant columns <br>(Started = timestamp when this echo process started , Processed = timestamp after deserialization into an object , Elapsed = milliseconds elapsed from Started to Processed)