sreenivasa k

sreenivasa k

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Altering a SQL View from C#, Ado.Net

May 20 2023 11:25 PM

Hi, I would like to alter a sql view from C#, I am using frontend as c# and backend as SQL Server.

I tried below options:

option#1:  alter view vw_employeesbyId as select ename,location,email from dbo.employees where empid = @empid 



var sql = @"alter view vw_employeesbyId as select ename,location,email from dbo.employees where empid = @empid ";

Exec sp_ExecuteSql (sql)


Drop the view and create view from c#

all 3 options not worked. any other thougths are appreciated



Sreenivasa Rao K


Answers (4)