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After strong naming a private assembly, if i change the content/version I dont get any error!

Dec 19 2006 4:03 AM

I created a strong naming key pair MyKey.snk using sn utility.
I strong named my assembly Hello(in the name space Greet) using that keyfile by setting it in the signing tab of the project properties.

I m using this strong named assembly in another console appln ConsoleExe as:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Greet;

namespace ConsoleExe
 class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)
   Hello h = new Hello();

Now i change the content/version of Hello class and compile it.

Then try to run ConsoleExe(Ctrl+F5), i should get an error right.. saying the version CLR is looking for is not present!!! But I dont get any error.It runs  s this possible?!?!