I work on asp.net mvc Project .I face issue action ApprovalIndex Not redirect to action PendingManagersRequests although no error happen .
I debug and trace breakpoint until reach action PendingManagersRequests and trace until I reach to view return View(vmr); without any issues .
return View(vmr);
so why it not redirect to view PendingManagersRequests Although no issues happen
steps to my code
1- when click button approve submit it update table column SpeakStuffComment based on Request No
using (Html.BeginForm("ApprovalIndex", "Resignation", new { id = Model.RequestNo }, FormMethod.Post, htmlAttributes: new { @style = "display:inline;" })) { @Html.AntiForgeryToken() < a onclick="submit();" class="btn btn-primary" style="min-width: 100px; margin-left: 5px;"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i> Approve </a> }
2- when click approve button it call ApprovalIndex on controller ResignationController
public class ResignationController : Controller { public async Task<ActionResult> ApprovalIndex(ResignationRequester REQ) { string errorMsg = string.Empty; string requestStatus; Workforce.ResignationUpdateLineManangerApproval(id, true,Convert.ToInt32(Session[SessionKeys.UserCode])); return RedirectToAction("PendingManagersRequests", new { msg = $"Request NO {REQ.RequestNo} has been accepted " + $"successfully." }); } }
3-jquery call action approvalIndex on resignation controller
function submit() { var ResignationRequester = new Object(); ResignationRequester.RequestNo = document.getElementById("RequestNo").innerHTML.trim(); ResignationRequester.EmpID = document.getElementById("EmpID").innerHTML.trim(); ResignationRequester.SpeakStuffComment = document.getElementById("SpeakStuffComment").value; if (ResignationRequester != null) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '@Url.Action("ApprovalIndex", "Resignation")', data: JSON.stringify(ResignationRequester), contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (response) { console.log(response); }, failure: function (response) { alert(response.responseText); }, error: function (response) { alert(response.responseText); } }); } }
public async Task<ActionResult> PendingManagersRequests(string msg, string errorMsg) { ViewModelRequests vmr = new ViewModelRequests(); vmr.MyRequests = Workforce.GetPendingToDisplayMyRequests(Session[SessionKeys.UserCode].ToString()); ViewBag.msg = msg; ViewBag.errorMsg = errorMsg; return View(vmr); }
finally I get only this popup localhost say although from action approvalindex no error