After adding any new Stored Procedure in EDMX file - getting

Aug 1 2014 9:47 AM
Hello Everyone,

I am new to silverlight and entity framework.

I have read article for solution and follwed, but no solution resolved my issue:


I have one issue in adding new/modifying existing Stored Procedure in EDMX.

I am working on already developed Silverlight Project(Silverlight version-5) with Entity Framework(EF version -4.0)

Softwares installed:
Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Silverlight 5 sdk

In Edmx,

Tables, Stored Procedures, function import and complex types also created.

When i try to add any new stored procedure in EDMX, the Silverlight.Web(assuming as projectname.web) is building successfully.

Wherever i used the complex types in Silverlight Project not getting reference. If just i try to modify anything in EDMX getting the reference could not be found error.

The syntaxes i have tried in "Domain Service Class" is as follows:

public ObjectResult<Certification_Details_Result> CertificationDetails()
return this.ObjectContext.Certification_Details();

And in .xaml.cs file using the following code to load grid:

MyDomainContext DBContext = new MyDomainContext();
LoadOperation<Certification_Details_Result> load = this.DBContext.Load<Certification_Details_Result>(this.DBContext.CertificationDetailsQuery());
CertifiedGrid_details.ItemsSource = load.Entities;
CertifiedGrid_details.DataContext = DBContext.Certification_Details_Results;

The type or namespace name 'Complex_Type_Result' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Can you please suggest me, how can i resolve this errors?

Answers (1)