Aktham Mahmoud

Aktham Mahmoud

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Advice about best method

Nov 21 2019 6:07 PM
I neet to ask waht a principle solution to these situation.
I'm working on web application asp.net c#. with bootstrap 4.1
what a priciple way to show data in bootstrap cards designed to show tables statistics like( total products, total categories, total sales) notice(am not ask about sql query) my questions below:
1- Is princile to use views to get sperated totals and show it in many cards, in same page.
2- Is principle to create entity model from database to get total query from tabel.
3- Is usefule to use  entity model after build 99% of my app. 
3- what is a light method in last question. (view or entity model)speciall my application begining in light mode a data base be very light not have strong (CRUD).
Thanks for advice

Answers (2)