harshit verma

harshit verma

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Adding a value to a dropdown through Javascript in c#

Aug 13 2018 9:17 AM
I want to add a value to the Dropdownlist through Javascript but am getting Runtime Errors.
Below is my code, can some one help me on this. I tried multiple approches from webSearch but are not working.
function run() {
var ddlvalue = document.getElementById("<%=ddlTest.ClientID%>");
if (ddlvalue.options[ddlvalue.selectedIndex].value == "0")
alert("Please select a value from the Dropdown!");
var option = document.createElement('option');
option.text = 'UK';
option.value = '5';
ddlvalue.add(option); //Tried no error but value not getting added to Dropdown list.
document.getElementById("<%=ddlTest.ClientID%>").add(option);//Tried giving runtime error.

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