kalu singh rao

kalu singh rao

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Add textbox in datarow in vb.net

Sep 25 2014 8:41 AM
I want to add textbox in datarow every time when user add table in button click. I don't know how to add textbox in datarow ?
Any help will be appreciate. Thank you and check my code below.
Dim TempRow As DataRow, tb As New TextBox
Dim i As Integer = 0
tb.ID = "txtaddQty" + i.ToString()
tb.Width = Unit.Pixel("100")
tb.Height = Unit.Pixel("30")
tb.Style.Add("position", "relative")
tb.Style.Add("top", "5px")
tb.Style.Add("left", "10px")
TempRow = TempTabl.NewRow
TempRow(" ") = ""
TempRow("0ItemID") = ItemID
TempRow("LedgerName") = LedgerName
TempRow("SerialFrom") = SerialFrom
TempRow("SerialTo") = SerialTo
TempRow("Qty") = Qty
TempRow("Rate") = Rate
TempRow("AddQty") = //I want to add textbox is here //

Answers (2)