Ambu sr

Ambu sr

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Acess database in windows application

Feb 20 2013 3:20 PM

I'm trying to create a soft to organise/List my movie collection. Each movie have 4 properties 1.Name
2.Type (Action, comedy..)
3.Language (Hindi, English..)
4.Quality (DVD, CD, BD..)

Software having 3 tab.

1. View/Delete
2.Add to a new movie to db
3. Edit infos

Using Acess 2013, and programing in VS 2010 & C#(.net 4)

Enough with intro, Now to my prob

i need a help with view/Del

here i must list the details as per the radio button selection. Button selection codes done. I need help/ suggetion how to list the list and the last row edit or remove must contain two buttons or hyperlink."edit" & "Remove" remove button must delete the entire mvy details from db and edit must redirect to edit tab with fields in there filled with current mvy details to edit...

any1 please???

sorry with ma bad english :(

Answers (3)