I have two forms, form1 & form2, the second is shown as the following:
//////////////////////form2 frm2 = new form2;frm2.ShowDialog();//////////////////////
On form1 there is a richtextbox which I want to change it's value from form2, so I created a proberty on form1 that get & set the text value:
//////////////////////public string TextOfRTB{get {return this.myrtb.text;}set {this.myrtb.text = value;}}//////////////////////
also I created another property of the second form form2:
//////////////////////private string strText;public string TextOfForm1RTB{get {return strText;}set {strText = value;}}//////////////////////
and changed the calling function the show the second form form2 to be:
//////////////////////form2 frm2 = new form2;frm2.TextOfForm1RTB = TextOfRTB;frm2.ShowDialog();//////////////////////
However, when I try to change the text in form1 from form2 by calling
//////////////////////this.TextOfForm1RTB = "what so ever";//////////////////////
Nothing takes place on form1, so any helping idea?